Modul8 is a revolutionary MacOS X application designed for real time video mixing and compositing. It has been designed for VJs and live performers.

Real Time Video Mixer:

Modul8 is software designed from A to Z for performance and real time video. It has been adopted by hundreds of users looking for a tool that is extremely responsive, flexible and easy-to-use. Used in domains as diverse as veejaying, contemporary art, live performances, theater and video production this software has proven its worthiness in hundreds of projects around the globe by an incredibly active user community.

A user interface for real time:

Above all Modul8 is a user interface designed in every detail for real time video performance. It possess a flexibility that will satisfy novices as well as advanced users. Based on a layer metaphor found in many common graphics editing software Modul8 allows for intuitive real time video composition. Each change can be seen immediately in the composition making this tool the ideal software for spontaneous improvisational creativity, interactive installations or live performances.

Working with multimedia:

Modul8 recognizes most Quicktime codecs as well as any graphical format you can imagine. Add your media into the application with a simple drag and drop and you’re ready to begin mixing. Modul8 is able to work in the color format of the files you import and automatically integrate per-pixel transparency when supported by the format. Modul8 also supports dynamic media such as video capture. Using modules can create text by using the text